Thursday, December 20, 2007

ciaosigning off from albion

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

atonementI went out last night and watched atonement at th palace centro - c/o babes in business (a great organisation if you are a business orintated female).
I really liked it. I have not seen many good movies lately. Good acting, intriguing twists, most bits were unpredictable. Nicely made (I am a sucker for fine detail) and great cinematography (i feel like a toss for using that word, but it is needed).
Good actors, and despite Keira Knightley being thinner than I normally like, damn she is hot.
traffic rantIt's been a lil while since I have ranted about traffic - but seriously - what has happened to brisbane?
So many bad drivers, either not indicating, just being asses, driving 20kms under the limit (you know thats illegal and you get fined for it)... and people not knowing how to drive in traffic.. You know if you take your foot off the accelerator you slow down, you don't have to speed up, then slam the brakes, continuously - or crawl and leave massive gaps that only allow 3 cars to get through a light.

Friday, December 07, 2007

christmas giftsIf you are stuck for a christmas gift - consider giving a "gift of life" instead of wasting money on a token present.

CBM Gifts of life

Thursday, December 06, 2007

stressis fun... not
application approvedwell, looks like my melbourne address will be burwood road, hawthorn... arrive 28/12 - removalists drop gear off 30/12

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

freebiessomehow, i manage to get a lot of free stuff.. a lot of crap mind you, but free. Today I scored another 2 1gb USB sticks and 50 dvd-rs.. making it a total of 9 free 1gb USB sticks I have received from companies...also anyone want a Halo 3 lanyard or wrist/sweat band?