Thursday, November 05, 2009


So. another rant. I kind of remind myself of Foamy sometimes - 

Anyway, I felt some serious road rage today. If it wasn’t an overloaded ute seriously driving 30km/hr down the freeway it was a bag of clothes falling off a truck onto my windscreen or a cab cutting me off by driving up a traffic island and almost toppling over (the cabbie even looked scared and grabbed his window).

Ahh melbourne – some crazy roads. The weather here is great though – a bit of heat and very little humidity (so far anyway) unlike what I have heard brissy is like.

Seriously almost snapped and killed a crazy driver today – well not really.

6 1/2 hrs of continuous confocal (FRAP) – yay what a good day.

so anyway…. Neville Parish will soon make a debut at