Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Why is there so little funding for phd students in research nowadays? More and more people wanting to go into research, especially fields like science, yet there are less scholarships available. Last statistic I checked an average research-based phd at UQ was 3 yrs 11 months. The australian gov't gives you 3 yrs worth of funding, with a possible 6 month extension (less extensions available then total number of scholarships). How does this work? why are most people screwed for the finale of their phd?
You of course can't get the 'newstart' allowance/dole being a full-time student, and can't get the youth allowance scheme as it is a post-graduate course.
It doesn't add up.
The government is also supposedly pumping all this money into science; well, not really. A lot of it is re-arranging funding, backing large inter-centre grants and placing most emphasis on outcome-based (translational) research.How are you suppose to achieve a safe, reliable outcome without the basic science underneath. They are trying to push a fast result, quick drugs, vaccines etc. Personally I'd like it to be proven safe and have a known mechanism before it reaches trials. If it doesn't, then that's how the UK scandal happens http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4807042.stm

anyway, don't really know why I am ranting.. just felt like it.

scanning plates is not fun!


Anonymous said...

well..we complain that there's not enough money in science, whereas other people complain that there's not enough money for something else. that's just the way things goes, i guess. all we can do is make the best out of things..and cheer up at the notion that i'll be facing what you're going through once my 3 year scholar finishes. haha.

Aaron / Nightshadow said...
