Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well – in case you haven’t noticed that random feed to the right –> I use twitter occasionally. For those that don’t follow my feed is @aignome . Now I don’t take it serious and I only occasionally post. NOrmally it is a random thought or rant. Sometimes it is forwarding a cool pic or video, sometimes a sick pic or video (mainly retweeting Alex / @uberjan). Occasionally I will link a site to it to forward something like a link.

Anyway – the world is changing. This form of social media has a lot of potential for advertising and networking. If it is used well It can be great. Some of the threads you can follow vary as to how relevant they are. I often add the hashtags to my posts for say #foxsports if I am following a game and want to comment on it (p.s. Foxsports – play more damn soccer and less fricken AFL. That is not why I subscribed to foxtel). Sometimes I will post something for a charity using its hashtag, sometimes for #protectresearch - the current media campaign/protest to help prevent a $400M budget cut to the NHMRC that is in the current draft. I also use #tc to update the status on thecity. Thecity is a powerful social networking site for cool people (christians).

A Hashtag I recently came across was #1stworldproblems. It is fricken hilarious. The mundane things that people in the first world want to bitch about. Of course they are only partly sarcastic about it. You can tell these actually do bug them. A good way to take a look and laugh at the consumerism that is modern 1st world life.

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